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"the talented and prolific Paige Lindsey White"

~ The LA Times


Hamlet - Santa Cruz Shakespeare

Another joy is Paige Lindsey White as Polonius, Claudius’ chief of staff. Give this woman a sitcom.... White plays the part as a meddlesome mother with too much power behind her overactive imagination. When the king gives her the floor, it’s as if she’s at last reached her natural home, the spotlight, and to crib from “The Simpsons,” everything’s coming up Polonius. You wouldn’t be surprised if she started doing a cheerleader’s cartwheels or bursting into an aria. When she gets to explain what the word “cause” means, it’s with overweening belief that everyone else sure is lucky to have her around.

SF Chronicle


And it was another genius turn from Paige Lindsey White, as gossipy court counselor. Her Polonius is the prattling social climber, paralleling Claudius as the murdering usurper of the royal household.

The director’s provocative re-gendering lets White loose to strut and blather, savor her own silliness and basically devour the scenery with her lightning-quick misappraisals of court intrigue. A retro vision in bouffant hair and Lady Bird Johnson couture, White’s Polonius is a mesmerizing fool right up to an abrupt end.

Good Times Santa Cruz

Pygmalion - The Pasadena Playhouse


A luminous performance from Paige Lindsey White. As Eliza, White gives an utterly sincere performance that makes even minor moments unexpectedly stirring. For example, in her expression of joy at bathing like a fine lady, it's hard not to hear Shaw's implicit indictment of wealth inequality. With her natural radiance tamped down in the early scenes, White emerges all the more regal following her transformation. Her repudiation of Higgins, when it comes, feels like a triumph.

LA Weekly


A pitch-perfect performance by Paige Lindsey White as Eliza Doolittle. White gives a remarkable performance. With eyes so wid that Margaret Keane coud have painted them and a crooked smile that could wound another when she's angry, White makes a fair lady indeed. She's resiliant and filled with pride even in the beginning when Eliza is considered invisible to the snooty upper class. In a one-woman show, White's Eliza would be blazing.

Arts in LA


Paige Lindsey White's masterful portrayal as Eliza is captivating, preserving the poetry of Shaw's dialogue while carrying compex emotional weight.

Pasadena Independent


The winning Paige Lindsey White proved herself a sturdy, spunky and smart Eliza.

Cultural Weekly


Paige Lindsey White makes a convincing Eliza. Her body language changes subtly as she matures, and her beauty proves equally subtle: a sharpness softened by care and carriage. This makes the transformation particularly satisfying, and, despite an English professor long ago who claimed it impossible, quite convincing.

Pasadena Star News 


R II - Theatre @ Boston Court


…the real discovery of this production, the stupendously agile Paige Lindsey White.

White is mesmerizing as the banished son of John of Gaunt, Henry Bolingbroke... But she's just as adept in the role of Queen Isabel, and in fact could probably have performed "R II" as a solo show…

The Los Angeles Times – CRITIC’S CHOICE


Paige Lindsey White, playing five parts, commands varieties of body language and vocal tone to shift us from character to character with a conviction which carries the audience with her quite seamlessly. Beyond that, she manages to imbue these very differing people with their own rounded passions, drives and griefs. Fascinating to watch.

Stage Struck Review


Henry IV, here volcanically incarnated by a female actor, the buff and igneous Paige Lindsey White, who could also play a mean Hotspur or Prince Hal

The Hollywood Reporter


Over the last year or so, some of my best time in an audience has been spent watching Paige Lindsey White.  This actor has embodied the reasons I revere artists.  Sometimes portraying children, sometimes men, now wielding a puppet, now a sword, Ms. White isn’t your average SAG-card slumming in a couple of plays.  She so fairly steals R II that the story of Shakespeare’s King Richard the Second, might well be seen through the eyes of her primary character … Perhaps it’s that indomitable spark that brimmed in her eyes throughout the full hour of Walking the Tightrope this year; she may be incapable of a surface portrayal.  Her Queen Isabel is as ardent and doting as her Groom is furtive and nervous.   When she takes stage as Bolingbroke, there is no question that this noble will accomplish what he intends.  A storm of intention and will swirls about her even when her character is in doubt, and it is beyond my capacity to look away from such power. 

Stage and Cinema



White has her own Best Lead Actress Scenie for Ghost-Writer, a play in which I described her as “quite simply brilliant (and letter-perfect) in one of the year’s most challenging roles.” Playing six characters in RII, only one of them female, tops that previous challenge, and boy-oh- boy-oh- boy-oh-boy-oh-girl does White deliver. Her Henry Bolingbrook is so effortlessly masculine that seeing her later as Richard’s loving—and very feminine—Queen Isabel comes as a quite wonderful shock, Henry having been so authentically male. Later, when White disappears inside the skin of a very young Groom—a child really—the transformation had me oohing and aahing in wonder.

Stage Scene LA


The Formula - Santa Cruz Shakespeare

White, a stunning veteran of SCS seasons past, gives a powerhouse performance as Gina, the father-of-the-bride’s new girlfriend, riddled with doubts about her life choices. A stunning actor, White wields an appealing stage presence, capable of intense introspection

as well as robust physical dexterity.

Good Times 


Walking the Tighrope - 24th ST Theatre 


Paige Lindsey White, so memorable in “The Children,” embodies Esme with a vivid spontaneity that wouldn't shame Toni Collette…. beyond praise and beyond criticism, to a preternatural degree. 

Los Angeles Times – CRITIC’S CHOICE


As Esme, adult actress Paige Lindsey White so fully inhabits the role you have no choice but to view her as a small girl. Her lilting voice, youthful naiveté and unsullied innocence embody the essence of Esme with resounding truthfulness.

Stage and Cinema


This play would not be as moving as it is if White’s performance as the young Esme wasn’t as convincing as it is. Though an adult herself, she embodies the mindset and mannerisms of a little girl and it never once bothers you that she is well beyond the young years that Esma is supposed to be. Your heart breaks with hers as she ventures through her holiday without Nana and her interaction with Granddad are sweet and yet torturous.

A Little Night Musing


Paige Lindsey White played Esme with a childlike innocence that was not manufactured. I believed she was at least between the ages of 8-11 years old. Playing a child as an adult is not easy, many actors forget that children are people and play children as caricatures.  White plays Esme as a smart child who is slowly figuring out what everyone is trying to hide from her…. Bramhall and White made beautiful music together.

pLAywrighting in the city


White’s girlish charm, genuine excitement and energy brought a smile to everyone’s face, even in the darkest moments.  If I didn’t know any better, I could certainly believe that Ms. White was actually, in fact, a grade school child that had just happened to hit a growth spurt early!   The ease with which Bramhall and White were able to banter back and forth made the painful subject matter seem all the more natural and comfortable for those of us who were in the audience.

Life in LA


Adult actress Paige Lindsey White is breathtaking as child Esme. Her skill in bringing to the role of child adult depth and detail is astounding. If the play doesn’t open your heart tenfold, then at least White’s performance surely will.



As Esme and her grandfather, the gifted Paige Lindsey White and Mark Bramhall are brilliant casting choices…. White brings an infectious childlike quality to Esme.

Backstage – Critic’s Pick: Score A


As Esme, White brilliantly emulates a young girl through observant nuance, genial comedic timing, and exhilarating enthusiasm. Her grasp of youthful intricacy is utterly perfect. Her effervescence and obvious understanding of childhood spellbinds …



What keeps the play from descending either into a morose darkness or the saccharine world of "Youth Theater” is the beautifully balanced work of director Debbie Devine and actors Paige Lindsey White and Mark Bramhall. This trio sustains not only the repetition of the text but also keeps the relationships shockingly nuanced.



White is inspired as the little girl, finding the essentials of the child's exuberance and despair, and connecting marvelously with her grandpa.

Huffington Post



Ghost-Writer - International City Theatre 


Paige Lindsey White delivers a near tour de force at the center of everything as Myra. At first cheerful and attentive, she paints an ambitious, self-possessed, well-kept young woman determined to become integral to Franklin’s creative process

Backstage - Critic's Pick - Score A


Early versions of the script cast Ghost-Writer as a one-woman play. Under caryn desai's canny direction, the central character retains every inch of her full complexity. White imbues Myra with so much vivacious intelligence, every keystroke reverberates with wit and longing

LA Weekly - Pick of the Week


It is the thoughtful performance of Ms. White, however, that orchestrates the continuous ebb and flow of the story. A woman with perfect posture, precise elocution, and an uncanny ability to flip her emotions on and off at a moment’s notice, it is within her ever-changing eyes that we see the true revelation of the playwright’s intent.

Broadway World


ICT’s production also boasts a true “star is born” revelation in Paige Lindsey White. Her performance as Myra is absolutely riveting, and proves the actress perfectly adept at hitting a full range of emotional and intellectual notes. White is a member of several Los Angeles acting ensembles and has had several television credits. Here’s hoping and praying she breaks out soon. Her obvious talent and emotional honesty should be shared with as wide an audience as possible.

Movie Dearest


Paige Lindsey White portrays the mysterious typist/muse Ms Babbage with outstanding impact, verve and wide range of personality. She captures many a plot point without even a word, due to masterful skills at facial and body movements that could have made her a top star in silent movies. A moment later we find her speaking a mile-a-minute to other characters (& directly to us) with equal effect vs. her wordless triumphs(Brava!). If there are such things as "muses" PL White truly shows them to us on stage.

News Enteprise


Now that “Ghost Writer” has finally opened, I have two things to shout about: (1) Hollinger’s exquisite writing skills, and (2) Paige Lindsey White’s brilliant performance of the lead character... As for Paige Lindsey White, let’s just say her nuanced portrayal of Myra Babbage is a tour de force to reckon with. Every subtle smile, every clenching of teeth, every eyebrow twitch, every inhaled breath, every deafening silence conveys meaning.



Myra is, of course, the story's fulcrum. White depicts her inner strength and impassioned conviction regarding all things Franklin Woolsey, her voice often burning with pride for having known and worked with him. At the same time, her portrayal is delicate and refined, balancing between the mortal world and the immortal.

OC Register


As Myra, Paige Lindsey White gives a mesmerizing performance.

Life in LA


...the lovestruck secretary (Paige Lindsey) is at one, powerful and emotionally unforgettable.



The roles in this play are portrayed beautifully by the cast. Paige Lindsey White’s Babbage never leaves the stage, and narrates the entire play. White shows her confused, infatuated and heart broken emotions through her eyes and facial expressions during her narration of her life before and after Woolsey’s death.

A Little Night Musing


A lot of credit goes to Paige Lindsey White, who plays Myra. ...Her portrayal of Myra is hopeful and heartbreaking.

Press Telegram


Midsummer Night's Dream - Disney Concert Hall

I loved the lovely light bulb-encrusted umbrella for an even lovelier Paige Lindsey White as Titania

Stage and Cinema

Other Desert Cities -  Indiana Repertory Theatre


White is superb as the emotionally fragile but self-absorbed writer, determined to share her point of view about a traumatic event in her family’s past that she hopes will help her to move forward.



They were flawless in their deliveries and truly worked as a unit for the entire expansive play. Ms. White gave a standout performance as Brooke – totally engaged and meticulous in detail.

A Seat on the Isle


Paige Lindsey White gave a riveting portrayal of Brooke in Tuesday night's performance, in which all five actors distinguished themselves with their mastery of Jon Robin Baitz's brutally exhausting script. 

Jay Harvey Upstage


With Love and a Major Organ


With Love and a Major Organ ... takes off around White’s appearance as the vulnerable yet indefatigably buoyant Anabel. It’s a winning performance, from first to last.

LA Weekly

Much credit to Paige Lindsey White for initially charming as Anabel, a fellow train passenger, who after a few train stop brakings and bumping to George, falls in love with him and obsessively pursues him.

Broadway World

Paige Lindsey White is the subway rider, giving her a physicality as effusive as her prose and a depth of enthusiasm that one discovers has been contagious when it suddenly disappears. 

Pasadena Star News

The Children - Theatre @ Boston Court


Valicenti and White selflessly inhabit their outer and inner children.... “The Children,” a must-see attraction and an instant classic.

Los Angeles Times - Critic's Choice


Sonny Valicenti and Paige Lindsey White create magic as the Man-in-Slacks and the Woman-in-Sundress, who remove the puppets from harnesses as they descend from above and literally breathe life into them. .... Valicente and White execute so well the inanimate kiddies become as real as their co-stars. 

Backstage - Critic's Pick!


Fortunately, holding The Children together is the moving work of actors Sonny Valicenti and Paige Lindsey White, who play the couple from the prologue and bring a touching life to the child puppets. The two entrance the audience often with little more than a knowing silent glance. 



The children themselves, presented as puppets animated by two real actors (Sonny Valicenti and Paige Lindsey White), become vibrant characters that steal some of the most sensitive moments.  Subtle directional choices existing in simple glances and slight exchanges of touch between human and puppets offer glimpses into intertwined realities that thrill the perceptive audience member.

LA Splash

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